Monday, September 30, 2013

Thought Exercise #4: Due 10/1/13

"Animal signs function fetishistically...they serve as powerful substitutes or "partial objects" filling in for a lost object of desire or originary wholeness that never did or can exist, save phantasmically."
--"New Life Forms and Functions of Animal Fetishism

I took this quote to mean that, at the very core of human existence and interactions, all humans exhibit animalistic qualities that are biologically ingrained as an ultimate means of finding and seducing mates for reproduction. If it is stated that animal signs function fetishistically, then I would take it that this statement is one of a sexual nature.

To clarify, all living beings are wired to reproduce. Living beings are more likely to reproduce if their sexual mates are physically attractive. Think about it--male peacocks are grow ostentatious feathers to attract peahens, male lions have distinctive manes, and human women supposedly more in touch with sensuality than men are. Physical attraction and flirtatious body language sends off fetishistic signs that stimulate sexual excitement in living beings, and satisfy sexual fantasies.

I think that's what it means to fill "in for a lost object of desire...that never did or can exist, save phantasmically." Everyone is stamped with a sexual orientation and a sex drive in order to trigger our function as vessels and machines of reproduction. We all have fantasies and fetishes, and when we find mates, we project our desires onto them. We have expectations for significant others, and project those expectations on them as well. We look for what we like and sometimes overlook flaws, even when we are blinded by infatuation. This is to conclude that love and attraction can be considered a mere illusion, a back-stabbing mechanism that tricks living beings into reproducing.

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